This section is just my playground; a place to put pictures and things which I find amusing. Some of them may be related to my professional activities, others are just included for friends and family to see. But hey, you've come this far in my website already...that makes us friends, right?
Ripley's Believe It Or Not

When I was a young and somewhat cadaverous youth, I appeared on
The Match Game as a contestant. Host Gene Rayburn tested my ability to turn my feet around...causing general revulsion and pandemonium amongst the audience members and celebrity panelists. I still cherish hearing comedian Charles Nelson Reilly flamboyantly proclaiming: "He'll never have children!"

And finally, for those of you who are strong enough to take it, here's video of my infamous "Around the World" trick, performed in my onstage persona of "Elasto the Magnificent." Just click on the picture below:
My twin brother, Michael White, and I performed live music & comedy as "The Fabulous White Brothers" in Bloomington, Indiana back when the Earth was still a cooling ball of gas. We always took on additional personas and characters for the acts, so you might have seen us perform as nuclear-rockers "The Nukes," magic and contortions from "Elasto the Magnificent," hypnotism and brutal onstage sadism with "Dr. Mentallo & Groat," or even swilled a beer with country-rock legends "Red Rooster and the (really unprintable band name)."I guarantee you that no one who ever saw our acts would have suspected that I was heading for a career in wholesome children's entertainment. Isn't life funny?

The Fabulous White Brothers (Steve & Mike) in one of the many
luxurious dressing rooms provided for entertainers of our calibre

The strip pictures were taken at a photo booth in a mall. We got funny looks from the shoppers, not only for dressing funny but because Mike was making a point of strangling me while the camera was flashing. This is what you do when you really care about making art.
The act in which brother Mike played Bigfoot and I apparently portrayed some half-baked commodore is actually more than a little foggy in my memory. I notice an American flag in the picture's background; perhaps we were entertaining at the governor's ball. Or not.
People frequently ask me why I don't come up with my own charming, lovable children's character with which to make myself wealthy. Bowing to popular pressure, I present "Ygor Beaver," a lovable, hunchbacked beaver who is always happy to assist kids with science experiments...especially those which involve kites, lightning storms, and reanimated bodies!

I was joking, okay? JOKING! On the other hand, it would make a darn good
character for some bizarro Cartoon Network series. Yeah! Call me!)
Donald A. White
My father, Donald A. White, is sadly no longer with us. But besides being a terrific father, he was also the funniest, most creative person I've ever met or ever expect to. Pretty much all of my creative endeavors can be traced back directly to something I saw or heard my father do. He was a terrific writer, a gifted artist, a brilliant cartoonist, and an inventor with multiple patents.
Yes, this is my Dad. No, that is not my Mom. This is a publicity picture that was taken for one of my Dad's inventions: "the double-stringed yo-yo." In theory, you could play with two fingers, or two hands, or play with a hot chick in a bikini. In reality, the darn thing would just wobble down the strings and then sit there like a plumb bob. A double-stringed plumb bob. Still, my Dad licensed the yo-yo to a number of companies who obviously never actually tried to make it work, but really liked the publicity picture.
This is a quick cartoon that my Dad sketched out when I was looking for artwork to put on my stationary when I first moved to Dallas and was looking for work.

Johanne White
What, you think I'm the kind of guy who would write nice things about his father and just forget about his mother?! Geez, that hurts.
My mom, who passed away in 2010, was a terrifically creative and funny person and, like my Dad, a first-class artist.
Here's one of Mom's paintings.
I don't know what it's called, I just know I like it.